Wednesday, January 21, 2009

This is so funny I had to tell everyone about it.....My youngest Jace asked me today while we were waiting for kamen to get out of school, Mom what does CTR mean. I told him of course, Choose The Right, oh he said......than about two minutes later he asks me, " What will happen if I choose the left"! I was laghing so hard it is amazing what will come out of a 4 almost 5 year olds mouth.


Unknown said...

Jace is the cutest thing and he says the funniest things. Does he still say that he doesnt have to do thing because he is not baptised?
Love ya,

Amber said...

Hahaha, that's funny. Aren't kids so cute.

Nicole said...

that is so funny! blogs are great if you remember to write down all the funny things your kids say, then you won't forget them! your kids are so cute. is jace going to kindergarten next year??

Mandy said...

That is so funny. Kids say awesome things. Way more interesting conversqations than adults.